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Junior Achievement

 We have just completed a five week programme in conjunction with Junior Achievement Ireland. Our module was all about Our City and we learned so much about city planning, city zones, banking and advertising. Our volunteer Geri was excellent and we loved working with her.
Recent posts

Mighty Maths

Second and third class have been really enjoying Maths lately. We learned about money and length and had lots of fun with hands on activities.

Flower Art

 We absolutely love art in this room and this activity was a huge success! Everyone loved using lots of different materials to create their own flowers.

Sinking and Floating

 We had great fun in second and third class recently when we learned about sinking and floating. We tried lots of different materials to see if they would sink or float and it was very enjoyable.

3D Shape Construction

 We were learning about 3D shapes recently and really enjoyed the challenge of making our own shapes from nets. It was good fun!

Science Week 2024

Second and third class had lots of fun during Science Week this year. We did lots of experiments and here are some photos of what we got up to!